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Realize the Health Benefits of Contrast Therapy

Firefly provides you with Medical Saunas™ a leader in infrared dry sauna and plunge tub technology for your contrast therapy sessions   

Health Benefits of Contrast Therapy

There are several forms of Contrast Therapy. Firefly's approach is more moderate with its definition. Regular use of Contrast Therapy at Firefly is a minimum of 20 minutes of infrared sauna and 2-5 minutes of cold-water plunge 3-4 days a week. Contrast Therapy does not need to be done all in one day but done consistently as a lifestyle change. One will gain quicker results with full sessions, and you can safely achieve that through Firefly's moderate approach of breaks between each change of temperature during your session. 

Physiological benefits from regular use of contrast therapy:

  • Strengthens your cardiovascular system
  • Improves your body immunity defense system
  • Increases metabolism
  • Improves cognitive function and mood
  • Reduces pain

Cold plunge tubs specifically reduce inflammation and soreness after exercise and eliminates rouge immune cells from your body improving your immune response system. It improves mood, memory and overall cognitive function while it reduces tension and fatigue.

Infrared hot saunas increase the fluidity of red blood cells and creates new mitochondrial cells, the energy producing powerplants our bodies depend on. The mental health benefits range from reducing anxiety and stress and include reducing insomnia and symptoms of depression. Sauna increases your heart rate yet and over time helps lower your blood pressure. 

Contrast therapy is a great addition to a health and exercise routine but Contrast Therapy is not for everybody. Before visiting, please click on "Your First Visit" below. There you will find important information about Contrast Therapy and Contraindications which are medical conditions that could keep you from using Contrast Therapy. In addition you will find Firefly's consent and liability forms. Always consult your physician before starting a Contrast Therapy program. 

Your First Visit



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